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FAST User Guide


Welcome to FAST's documentation

FAST is an end-to-end and unsupervised earthquake detection pipeline. It is a useful tool for seismologists to extract more small earthquakes from continuous seismic data.

Github development page:


  1. FAST Overview.
    Click here for a summary of the FAST algorithm and why you might want to use it on your seismic data.

  2. Install
    Go here to learn how to install and run the FAST software on your computer.

    1. Google Colab

    2. Linux

    3. Docker

  3. Tutorial
    Learn how FAST detects earthquakes on the Hector Mine data set.

  4. How to Set Parameters
    Click here to learn how to test FAST on your own data sets.

    1. FAST Checklist

    2. Getting Seismic Data

    3. Input and Preprocessing

    4. Fingerprint

    5. Similarity Search

    6. Network Detection

    7. FAST Output

    8. Phase Picking

    9. Earthquake Location

    10. Example Parameters
      Click here to see data sets FAST has been used on to detect earthquakes.

  5. References
    Read publications about FAST here.