0.2 ItalyDayYR Data Set¶
One day of continuous data, 2016-10-29 00:00:00 to 2016-10-29 23:59:59 UTC, at 22 stations in central Italy (Figure 2), used 22 channels (vertical component HHZ only on each channel) for detection, provided by Bill Ellsworth. This data records small earthquakes from a swarm in Central Italy during October 2016, that occurred between the Mw 6.1 earthquake on 2016-10-26 19:18:08 UTC and the Mw 6.6 Norcia earthquake on 2016-10-30 06:40:18 UTC.
0.2.1 Preprocessing¶
Output sample spectrograms on each channel and station to determine bandpass filter range:
Table S2: FAST input parameters for Italy earthquake detection: single-channel at 22 YR stations (Figure 2, black triangles), after bandpass filter 2-20 Hz, and decimate to 25 Hz. Total number of fingerprints: 71,989.
Table S3: Network detection input parameters for Italy earthquakes at 22 YR stations (HHZ channel only), after getting similar pairs of fingerprints from FAST for each station.