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Phase Picking

The FAST output is interfaced with SeisBench to pick the arrival time of phases automatically with machine learning models.

SeisBench is an open-source python toolbox for machine learning in seismology. Learn more about SeisBench here.

Cut SAC Files

In, change the station list on line 14 to list the stations in your dataset and the name of the final detection list on line 16.

Example in cut_event_files:

stations = ['CDY', 'CPM', 'GTM', 'HEC', 'RMM', 'RMR', 'TPC']  # Change station list
in_mseed_dir = '../../data/'  
in_FINAL_Detection_List = 'network_detection/FINAL_Detection_List_HectorMine_7sta_2stathresh.txt'  # Change final detection list
out_dir = 'event_ids'  

Your continuous seismic data should be found in /FAST/data/waveforms*/Deci5.Pick.*

Pick Phases Over All Input


If stations in your dataset do not have 3 channels, you will need to alter to make .sac file copies for stations without 3 channels.

In the Hector Mine dataset, only the HEC station has 3 channels. On line 20 of, the stations that only have one component are in a list, which is iterated through to make channel copies for phase picking.

stations = ['CDY', 'CPM', 'GTM', 'RMM', 'RMR', 'TPC'] # List of stations that do not have 3 components

To make sure runs correctly on your dataset, edit the following code in the script to account for missing station channels:

if stream[i].stats.station in stations:
    st_temp = Stream()
    tr_temp_e = stream[i].copy()
    tr_temp_n = stream[i].copy()
    tr_temp_z = stream[i].copy() = 'EHE'
    st_temp.append(tr_temp_e) = 'EHN'
    st_temp.append(tr_temp_n) = 'EHZ'

    st += st_temp
    st += stream[i] 

Run the SeisBench script:

~/FAST/utils/events$ cd ..
~/FAST/utils$ cd picking
~/FAST/utils/picking$ python

The plotted annotations with each station's waveform and EQTransformer's picks and detections for every event is found in:


Example annotated plot from one event in the Hector Mine dataset:


The phase pick information found from SeisBench is found in:


Example output:


  • "peak_time": Arrival time of pick
  • "peak_value": Probability of pick